Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. First of all, we give God all the glory for His wonderful guidance and blessings in the life of the Adonai orphans during the month of October 2017. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Agape Fish Fund for their heart of love for the orphans and generous support for the orphans’ nutrition and their prayer support for the overall development of the orphans. And we are so thankful to the private donors for their love and concern upon the orphans. We pray God’s blessings for all of them.
Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. God's Wonderful Provision
Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. AcknowledgmentsWe give God the glory for His guidance and provision for our Adonai orphan project. We are so honored by our generous donor organization Agape Fish Fund for their concern, love, and donations to help meet the needs of daily nutrition and educational development for the vulnerable children in Myanmar. And we give thanks to all our private local donors and donors from abroad who are involved through prayer and donations to support the emotional and spiritual development of the Adonai orphans. Through their generous support, our orphans have been growing in health and in knowledge of the Bible. The orphans have access to education and realize their potential only through the cooperation of God’s people around the world. We heartily wish God's blessings to be bestowed upon them. Educational Development
Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. We praise the Lord who guides us and provides us with the daily needs of our little orphans. And we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who partner with us through financial and prayer support. Special thanks goes to Agape Fish Fund, who faithfully supports us financially for the orphans' nutrition and educational expenses. We would also like to say thanks to our private donors, both from abroad and locally. May the good God return them bountiful blessings in their life. School year StartedThank God all our orphans passed their grades last year. The school year is from June to February. As the new school year has started, the children have all been admitted, and now they are attending school from Monday to Friday. They go to school at 8:00 am and come back at 3:30 pm.
In the morning they have breakfast just before going to school. Mrs. Rev. Thang drops them off at school, and then at noon she brings them lunch. Lunchtime is 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Mrs. Rev. Thang again picks up the children when school is dismissed in the afternoon. Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. We praise the Lord for His faithfulness upon the ACR orphans as we move forward by God’s grace and mercy. Special thanks go to Ms. Nancy and her organization Agape Fish Fund for their generous support and prayer for our orphans. We also express our heartfelt gratitude to all our prayer partners and private donors from the local community and abroad. May the Lord bless them physically and spiritually.
Agape Fish Fund partners with Adonai Child Rehabilitation, a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. She grew up without a mother’s love. Now she’s a mother to 11 orphans. This is the heart-warming story of how God has enabled a motherless woman to care for motherless children. My Background: Motherless at Age 4My name is Mrs. Ngun Za Thluai. I was born in 1986 into a pastor's family. There were 7 of us siblings, two boys and five girls.
When I was 4 years old, my mother passed away. I grew up without a mother’s love in my life. I was born again in the Lord in 2000. By God’s grace I got my B.S. degree in 2006, and I married Rev. Thang right after graduation. It was my prayer to serve the Lord among orphans. I asked the Lord to serve Him by caring and looking after orphans, street children, and children who were abandoned by their parents. The Lord opened a way for me to serve orphans in May 2016, when Rev. Thang and I started the Adonai Child Rehabilitation orphanage. Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. We praise the Lord for His guidance upon the Adonai orphans. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our prayer partners and special thanks to Agape Fish Fund for their love and generous financial support to meet the needs of the little orphans. May the Lord richly bless you all spiritually and physically. Summer ClassWe are thankful to two sisters Miss. Hno Chin and Miss. Hoi Tha for volunteering to teach our orphans English, math, Burmese, and Chin. Their morning session is from 8 AM to 10 AM. The orphans have lunch between 11 AM and 12 PM, and then they rest till 2 PM. They continue the afternoon class from 2 PM till 4 PM. Miss Hno Chin teaches in the morning, and Miss Hoi Tha teaches in the afternoon. They both teach two hours a day from Monday to Friday. We are so glad that the children improved their ability on their lessons. All our orphans are very happy to study during the summer class. They are waiting for their exam results from the government school. The exam results will be out next month, and they all hope they will pass their exams and hope to move on to the next grade. Spiritual Activities for the SummerEvery morning and evening, the children have devotions and prayer as usual. From 6 AM till 7 AM they have morning devotions, and then they have breakfast at 7 AM. In the evening they have dinner at 5 PM and then they have devotions from 6 PM till 7 PM. After 7 PM, they have a night study of the lessons they learned.
During the morning devotions, Mrs. Rev. Thang leads them in Bible recitation and prayer. In the evening devotions, both Rev. Thang and his wife lead them in singing, dancing, short exhortation, and prayer. When we pray in the evening, the orphans are touched by the Holy Spirit and they usually pray with tears. They cannot stop even during prayer. After prayer we usually shake hands and say " May God bless You" to each other. Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. glory to godFirst of all, I give glory to the Lord for His guidance and blessings upon the Adonai orphans. I also give special thanks to sister Nancy and her organization Agape Fish Fund and to all the staff and donors for their generous support, prayer, and concern. May the Lord richly bless them in their daily life.
Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children.
unknown woman donates mustard leavesOn Sunday morning in the second week of February, a woman we didn't know came to the ACR orphanage. She brought small mustard leaves to donate for the orphans' curry. She is from Tahan village, a place that's very far away.
She said, "I felt God's call to visit and pray for the orphans." We were so glad to see her visiting us and praying for us. She donated her mustard leaves to our orphanage. She also laid hands on Rev. Thang, the director of the ACR orphanage, and blessed him and anointed him to boldly step further by keeping faith in God. She exhorted and gave a word from the Lord to encourage the ministry of the orphans. We give glory to the Lord for His faithfulness to the ACR orphanage as we step forward by His grace and mercy. We received abundant blessings despite many hindrances and obstacles. God is so kind to us. And we would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to TFish and all the staff and donors in supporting the Adonai orphans in Myanmar to regularly have nutritious food. May the Lord bless each and every one.
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October 2023