Agape Fish Fund partners with Southeast Asian Prayer Center (SEAPC) to provide orphans and children in Cambodia with a Christian home and education. UPdate Letter: May 2018Dear Agape Fish Fund, Thank you very much for your dedicated support of your sponsored children in Cambodia. You are changing lives through your support in prayer, finance, and talents. The children and staff appreciate it very much. trip to cambodiaI visited New Hope for Orphans in Cambodia for three weeks during the month of March; traveling to each children's home with three of the NHO head office staff: Sokhom Sor, NHO Administrator, Sarah John, NHO Financial Coordinator, and Vannak Hong, NHO Child Communications Coordinator. We had a good trip. The mission of the trip was to continue to develop relationships, see how everyone is doing, and gather information to help NHO continue to improve and prepare for the growth coming its way.
Agape Fish Fund partners with Southeast Asian Prayer Center (SEAPC) to provide orphans in Cambodia with a Christian home. We are sponsoring 4 children: Soklang (boy, 6); Sopheak (boy, 14); Sinet (girl, 11); Sopheary (boy, 11). We were delighted to receive Soklang's drawing and letter. With your support, we are helping Soklang receive loving Christian care, nourishing food, and a good education. A Picture for usA Note To UsAgape Fish Fund partners with Southeast Asian Prayer Center (SEAPC) to provide orphans in Cambodia with a Christian home. Four Children SponsoredThis year we sponsored 4 Cambodian children: Soklang (boy, 6); Sopheak (boy, 14); Sinet (girl, 11); Sopheary (boy, 11). Our sponsorship provides a safe Christian home for the children where they can learn about Jesus, have nourishing food, receive a good education, and have loving house parents. Meet SoklangThis year we sponsored a Cambodian orphan named Soklang Vun. This 6-year-old boy lives in the Kampong Cham children's home. Soklang is an only child, and his parents got divorced in 2015. His father remarried another lady, and he later died in a car accident. Soklang's mother took him to live with his grandmother, and then one day she left without warning. Soklang's mother never visited or gave money for Soklang and his grandmother to even have food. Soklang and his grandmother lived in a difficult situation. The local Committee of Women and Children realized the situation Soklang was in and helped him transition to the children's home in January 2016.
Agape Fish Fund partners with Southeast Asian Prayer Center (SEAPC) to provide orphans and children in Cambodia with a Christian home and education. 507 teachers pray to receive christ, 15k bibles givenI'm grateful, so very grateful. On Sunday, February 26th, 507 4th grade teachers from Banteay Meanchey prayed to receive Jesus. 15,000 My Precious Books went out to their students. Can you believe it! I'm sending you these pictures with great joy in my heart and appreciation of the Holy Spirit's bringing us together.
TFish representative John Kieu visited the Kampong Cham Children's Home in Cambodia on June 4, 2016. He met the orphans in the current home and also saw the new dorms being constructed that we are helping to build.
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with SEAPC, a Christian global community of friends that believes lives are changed through prayer.
SEAPC, a registered 501c3 organization in the USA, partners with New Hope Children’s Homes (NHO) in Cambodia to break the poverty cycle in Cambodia by providing for the orphaned and abandoned children throughout the country. Thousands of children throughout the country are orphaned and abandoned due to residual effects of the Khmer Rouge regime and civil war when all infrastructure within the country was essentially destroyed. These children are at risk of becoming victims of human trafficking, drug use/dealers, various criminal activities, malnutrition, serious health issues and lack of education. |
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