Project: Leprosy Village Care and Treatment
Mission: For over a decade, despite receiving little or no funding, support, and recognition, Dr. Liang has faithfully served the needs of lepers shunned and forgotten by society.
Results: 20 field visits, constructed 1 solar shower, donated a three-wheeled motorcycle |
Description: Dr. Liang and a group of volunteers have been providing care to a leprosy rehab village for over a decade. In China, people with leprosy are sent to isolated places without emotional or physical support. They are essentially deserted by society. Through organizing trips for domestic and foreign volunteers to travel to leprosy villages, the Shalom Leprosy Compassion Ministry provides medical, living, and psychological assistance to this population in need.
Field Updates 2013
Shalom provides much needed medical care to people with leprosy. Many of these people live in villages that are seldom visited, let alone by doctors. This year Dr. Liang Ping traveled around to many villages, performing check-ups and providing treatment for ulcers.
Many of the leprosy villages supported by Shalom are located high in the mountains where the temperature drops quickly during the rainy season. Shalom brings thick clothes to help keep the villagers warm.
Shalom also helps to repair and install new appliances in leprosy villages. This year Shalom built solar powered bathrooms and used funds from TFISH to purchase an electric cart, making deliveries to remote locations much easier.
Recipients of donations made through TFISH are showing that 100% of donations made this year reached them through Shalom Leprosy.
Field Updates 2012
Prior to meeting TFish Fund, Dr. Liang seriously considered discontinuing her work after years of discouragement from lack of support and financial difficulty.
However, in 2011, TFish Fund provided her the moral support and funding to freely continue her work. Through donations, Dr. Liang leads a leprosy care project that provides leprosy patients with nutritional and living support that improve their quality of life.
Dr. Liang and volunteers eagerly build relationships with the leprosy patients. One of their favorite acts of service is washing and pampering the patients' oft-disfigured feet, an expression of humility and love. While many might consider lepers as being helpless, Shalom Compassion treats them like kings and queens.
Leprosy bacteria attack the nerves in the hands, feet, and around the eyes, rendering them prone to infection and permanent damage. Shalom Compassion volunteers and donors are committed to making daily life easier for the patients by providing ointments for deteriorating limbs and eye glasses.