Celebrate Christ's resurrection by supporting Vietnam foster children Children who come from rural Vietnam usually don’t have the opportunity to go to school if they stay in the villages. We partner with a local missionary to provide nutrition and scholarships for foster children in Vietnam. 0.5 out of 2,500 $100 sponsorships. If 2,500 people each give $100 this year, we can help meet physical and spiritual needs for 500 children and families in 7 different countries. View the original e-newsletter.
Agape Fish Fund partners with a local missionary to provide nutrition and scholarships for foster children in Vietnam. Children Who Need SponsorsHere are some of the Vietnam foster children who need support this year. (Note: The children's names are nicknames to protect their identity.) Agape Fish Fund partners with a local missionary to provide nutrition and scholarships for foster children in Vietnam. Food and Education for Rural ChildrenChildren who come from rural villages in Vietnam usually don’t have the opportunity to go to school if they stay in the villages. One reason is that the schools are located far away from their homes. The children would have to travel a distance to get to school, and then board nearby.
Another reason is that the impoverished parents prefer the children to help out with the farming work or to help provide family income in other ways. If the children aren’t helping with the farm work, then they run around unattended, or their parents have them go into town to sell lotto tickets, postcards, or homemade desserts to earn money. In some cases, the children might even have to beg on the streets for their family. These rural children need a way to have an education to break the poverty cycle for their family. |
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October 2023