We are pleased to partner with Vietnam Tribal Ministry to serve the local tribal people in rural Vietnam. Our first project will be to help the community in the mountainous areas of Thanh Hoa province get clean water. Water Wells
The members of Ngoc Lac Church live in a mountainous area in Thanh Hoa province. Due to the geographical challenges, these families face many economic difficulties. They especially are in need of a clean water resource. Currently the community's water source is from a water storage lake at the foot of a mountain. The local people must carry a pot on their heads and walk a long way to get water to fill their cement reservoirs at home. As the water flows through the mountain area, it does not meet hygiene standards. The local people desperately need a source of clean water. Out of all the challenges the locals face, having clean water is the top priority.
Program Developments
Starting in January 2016, the Taiwan Prison Ministry has increased the scope of their outreach by adding a new coworker and by stepping up their discipleship program with several activities. Sister Diep has joined the prison ministry team, which has allowed them to increase these kinds of activities:
Instead of just giving social help to the needy, the Taiwan Prison Ministry encourages inmates to study God's word. Giving Thanks
First of all, we give thanks to God, who has enabled us to run our ministry up this point through July. Humanly thinking, it is impossible to accomplish this ministry even in one month. Secondly, we express our sincere gratitude to Miss Nancy and Transparent Fish Fund for the monthly support of the orphans' nutrition. We rejoice for your partnership in prayer and finances. Now our orphans are very happy because of the school supplies, blankets, and other supplies you have provided. Now they also eat very good food because of your loving donation. They are all fine and able to attend school. Grant Outcome Summary
The grant supplied by Transparent Fish Fund was used to provide practical care to the neediest migrant workers at the shelter. This care is shown through providing nutritious meals, clothes, sandals, phone cards, transportation assistance, and activities. |
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October 2023