The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese inmates in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison and detention centers, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. 3 Inmates BaptizedPraise the Lord that 3 of the prison inmates got baptized! Pastor Thu explained the significance of baptism to everyone and then baptized the 3 men. Worship ServiceAs part of our ministry, the inmates sing worship songs and listen to a message.
The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese inmates in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison and detention centers, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. This is a letter from a Vietnamese inmate in Taiwan, Do Thai Sen, who is a hearty convert and is taking the discipleship program with the ministry intern, Mr. Thai. "I have a joy in my soul that is hard to express in words." October 17, 2017
Greetings with happiness and love! My first prayer to Jesus is that our Father gives as much grace as he wants to the pastor and the brothers and sisters in the church so it can be a healthy and happy church. Amen! Today I am so glad that, thanks to the grace of Jesus, I have met with the pastor and heard the sweet, sweet words of the Lord. Thank you, Pastor. Thank you for your love and good food sent to us. It is encouraging and helpful for us to overcome the challenges. Since I’ve believed in Jesus and let him be Lord of my life, I can feel that I’ve been growing, changing, and getting more confident. I feel proud to have God own my life. I have a joy in my soul that is hard to express in words. I am thankful that the church brought the love of Jesus to us, which gives us hope. I hope that everyone can soon return home as good people who will benefit their village, their family, their society, and people around the world. The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese people in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. Converts at Detention CentersThis year we reached out to detainees at different detention centers in Taiwan, include SanXia and Yilan. Praise God that the detainees are accepting Jesus and growing in their faith through discipleship. SanXia
Through large group presentations and smaller group follow ups, we helped the detainees learn about Jesus. The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese people in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. Letter from Mr. BinhThis letter was written by one of the inmates, Mr. Hà Huy Bình, who became a hearty convert, thanks to our prison ministry. Mr. Bình actively participates in the Scripture memorization contest. Sister Diep is one of the prison ministry co-workers. "I receive every day as joy, as grace from God in heaven."
September 25, 2017 Dear Sister Diep, Actually, I do not know what to say now, except to thank you sincerely for all that you have given us. You have provided emotional support and encouragement, which are the main motivations for me and my brothers to find ourselves and the path that has been leading us to God. Thank God for giving us a very serious sister who cares for us. You know, once upon a time I was very depressed, wanting to give up everything. But you have been a bridge to bring me to a new life. You brought me to God, who loves us so much. I remember your heart and all that you have done for me. Now my thoughts have changed a lot. I have also found joy and smiles in the present life. All of this is the grace that God gives. Once again, I thank you sincerely. In closing, I wish you for you to always have good health, to always have a smile on your lips, and to find a lot of fun in life. Try to stay healthy. God will always be with you, bless you, and keep you. The younger brother who had lost his way, Huy Binh The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese people in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. July 4, 2017 Dear Agape Fish Fund, First of all we would like to express our appreciation for your hearty support of our ministry through both finances and prayer. We want to inform you how your support has helped the Taiwan Prison Ministry. 1) Compassion Fund: Supplemental Food and Prizes
Every so often the Taipei prison releases a number of inmates who have finished their jail term or who are on parole. However, new inmates continue to come and replace the released ones. Therefore, the number of inmates continues to be at least a hundred people. Part of your donation goes toward our compassion fund for the inmates, which enables us to do the following:
The extra acts of kindness such as providing birthday cakes and supplement food has a great impact on the prison ministry. Lots of inmates write to express their appreciation for our love and care. As a result, their hearts are open and receptive. We often have new conversions and baptism for inmates who have finished our discipleship program. The Bible verse memorization contest helps the active believers to develop self-control for life change and minimize disciplinary consequences. According to the prison’s policy, the inmates who have good behavior records can be eligible for parole sooner. This rule has been applied to a number of converted inmates who were released recently. The Taiwan Prison Ministry reaches out to Vietnamese people in Taiwan through church fellowships and activities in prison, such as worship services, discipleship, and Bible memorization contests. Get a glimpse of the Taiwan Prison Ministry through these video clips! Worship at Church in Vietnamese and Chinese Worship and Scripture Memorization Contest in Prison The pastor from the Agape Vietnamese Alliance Church in Taiwan asks us to pray for the following issues:
1) Sponsorship of a Vietnamese Bible Student Intern We hope that a Bible student from Vietnam can be sponsored to intern with us. This will encourage the Tin Lanh church in Vietnam that is involved with our Vietnamese ministry in Taiwan. Our church is in the application process. Pray that God will allow this strategy to be implemented smoothly. 2) Increase in Ministry Workers and Financial Giving Thank God that after the financial assistance from the C&MA mission was terminated last year, our church members, along with some Taiwanese supporters, are giving generously to cover our financial needs. This year our goal is to increase the budget to include the expense for a student intern. Please pray that more church members will volunteer to work in the prison ministry and that they will increase their financial giving. 3) University Students from Vietnam Pray that God will give wisdom for the 8 university students coming from Vietnam. They will be helpful for the church in filling different positions. Program Developments
Starting in January 2016, the Taiwan Prison Ministry has increased the scope of their outreach by adding a new coworker and by stepping up their discipleship program with several activities. Sister Diep has joined the prison ministry team, which has allowed them to increase these kinds of activities:
Instead of just giving social help to the needy, the Taiwan Prison Ministry encourages inmates to study God's word. The Taiwanese church that we support is bearing fruit not just in their prison ministry, but also in their outreach to the local Vietnamese community. On Sunday, June 12, 2016, this church baptized a 95-year-old lady. It all started when the 95-year-old's Vietnamese caretaker became a Christian at the church a few years ago. At first, the caretaker's boss (the elderly lady's children) treated her very strictly and didn't allow her to have Sundays off. She cried out to God, as she desired to go to church on Sunday. The church also prayed fervently for her and this situation. Three months ago, the caretaker asked her boss if she could bring their mother to the church service, with the condition that if their mother didn't like it, she would never ask again. After the first church service, the elderly lady really liked it. Despite her hearing problem and language barrier, she has not missed a church service since then.
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