Grant Outcome Summary: Proper Education and Assurance of Salvation The orphans at Adonai Child Rehabilitation would not have a proper education or assurance of salvation if it weren't for the TFish grant. Before coming to us, five of our orphans were not in school while they were living in the villages, even though they were already seven to eight years old. After they were supported by TFish they began their education from first grade. Now they have assurance of salvation and a good education. Touching Story of Mr. Thla Hnin Thla Hnin is an 8-year-old orphan from Hman Daw village. He is in 3rd grade, but this child is very different from others. He cannot write or read at all. I observed him, and we suspect he has some mental challenges. Also, his right eye is not as good as his left eye. The teacher consulted with us and asked us to put him in grade 2 so that he can better learn the grade 2 subjects, and then next year we would put him in grade 3. We agreed and put him in grade 2. Thla is from the Chin tribe, and he has language problems in school because at school the Burmese teachers are teaching. At the hostel and at school, he never said that he needed to urinate, he simply relieved himself while sitting or even sleeping, without taking off his pants. He also had a nose bleeding issue. We felt so concerned for him, not knowing how to help him, but we showed our love to him and encouraged him not to give up, not to be discouraged. We prayed to the Lord, and now Thla has improved a lot. He no longer just relieves himself. My wife Mrs. Angun has taught him privately how to read, write, pronounce, and calculate math by using his fingers to count. Now he can calculate himself and read and write well. Medical Care When the orphans get sick, we just run to the pharmacy and consult the pharmacist. The pharmacist has a good knowledge and skill on medicine, as he has had training for a year. We give the medicine to our orphans and most of the time they get recovered. But if they have dengue, we bring them to a good doctor; mostly we go to Strait Memorial Clinic opened by the Baptists. After 5-7 days of treatment, the dengue is gone. We are really busy but we thank the Lord for His care and protection in the midst of severe sickness
Amazing Healing Rev. Thang's mom is 71 years old. She was diagnosed with liver congestive and two kidney failures. Her stomach was swelling and hard like stone. She couldn't breathe properly, eat, or sleep at night. She was in a lot of pain. After she offered chicken soup to all our orphans and received prayer from all our orphans, she is in very good condition now. Spiritual Growth Thank God all our orphans have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They pray with deep heart and with tears. Now they can sing 10 songs from memory. During every evening devotion, my wife and I teach them about the life of Jesus and His teachings. They are very eager for our prayer and praise time every evening from 6:00-6:30. At the beginning, some of our orphans used to pick up some pencils from school which were forgotten and left behind by other students. I checked the orphans when they came home from school every day and found some extra pencils and pens which weren't theirs. I asked them, "Whose are they?" And they said, "I found them at school." I taught them to not pick up those forgotten pens or pencils or other items because it is stealing from others. I told them to just leave them or take them to the teacher to make an announcement. The orphans now understand that taking other people's lost things is stealing and is a sin, and they no longer take items from the school campus. All our orphans are really growing physically and spiritually. They countdown every week until Sunday. On Sunday they are very excited to go to church to praise and worship our living God. Every Sunday we have a children's session, where they recite Bible verses and sing songs, sometimes singing with actions. I used to preach in the church and all our orphans gave their full attention to the preaching. They are not simply church goers, but really worshipers of the Lord our Creator. They taste the goodness of God and want to glorify Him. Bus Service Man Donates Pork God also provided wonderful pork meat for our orphans to enjoy. One morning, my wife (Mrs. Rev. Thang) was purchasing chicken from the market for lunch. There was a man there named Mr. Za Tling who works at the bus terminal. He bought 1kg of pork from the market and ran it over to our children's hostel. He said, "I've been wanting to provide pork to the orphans for a long time, but I have been too busy and haven't gotten the chance until now. Please cook it to feed the orphans, and pray for our bus service business."
Orphans Refused to Worship Buddha Statue in School
As our country Myanmar is a Buddhist country, about 90% of the population is Buddhist. The government made a law to pray and worship the Buddha statue before class in the morning. But for other faiths, there is an option. But still some teachers used to force even people of other religions to bow down before the Buddha in respect of the Buddhist god. Teacher Mrs. San Tin who teaches grade one forced all her students to bow their heads to the Buddha god. But 5 of our orphans do not want to bow their heads to the idols because they know that this is wrong for Christians to bow down their heads to other gods. I am very happy to hear about the faith of our little orphans even in the midst of such circumstances.
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