Adonai Child Rehabilitation is a Christian faith-based ministry in Kalaymyo, Burma that was established in May 2016. This ministry creates a place of rehabilitation for children and teenagers from various backgrounds like orphans, unwanted children, street children, and poor children. We praise the Lord for His guidance upon the Adonai orphans. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our prayer partners and special thanks to Agape Fish Fund for their love and generous financial support to meet the needs of the little orphans. May the Lord richly bless you all spiritually and physically. Summer ClassWe are thankful to two sisters Miss. Hno Chin and Miss. Hoi Tha for volunteering to teach our orphans English, math, Burmese, and Chin. Their morning session is from 8 AM to 10 AM. The orphans have lunch between 11 AM and 12 PM, and then they rest till 2 PM. They continue the afternoon class from 2 PM till 4 PM. Miss Hno Chin teaches in the morning, and Miss Hoi Tha teaches in the afternoon. They both teach two hours a day from Monday to Friday. We are so glad that the children improved their ability on their lessons. All our orphans are very happy to study during the summer class. They are waiting for their exam results from the government school. The exam results will be out next month, and they all hope they will pass their exams and hope to move on to the next grade. Spiritual Activities for the SummerEvery morning and evening, the children have devotions and prayer as usual. From 6 AM till 7 AM they have morning devotions, and then they have breakfast at 7 AM. In the evening they have dinner at 5 PM and then they have devotions from 6 PM till 7 PM. After 7 PM, they have a night study of the lessons they learned. During the morning devotions, Mrs. Rev. Thang leads them in Bible recitation and prayer. In the evening devotions, both Rev. Thang and his wife lead them in singing, dancing, short exhortation, and prayer. When we pray in the evening, the orphans are touched by the Holy Spirit and they usually pray with tears. They cannot stop even during prayer. After prayer we usually shake hands and say " May God bless You" to each other. Good Friday in Prayer GardenWe brought all our orphans to the Taungphila Prayer Garden on Good Friday. We had a Bible study about the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We let them sit on the ground, and Mrs. Rev. Thang opened the Bible and taught them about the death and resurrection of Jesus. She had a Bible quiz for the orphans. If anyone could answer all the questions, she/he would get a prize. Mrs. Rev Thang mainly quoted from the book of Matthew, chapters 26 through 28. All the orphans felt very sad to hear about the suffering of Jesus on the Calvary Cross as a sinless one who died for the sinners. Rev. Thang challenged the orphans, "Will you not live for Christ, who loved us by giving his life?" And all the orphans responded, "Of course, we will!" We felt that the month of April is a month of joy for the Adonai orphans because we are enriched with God's grace. Special Easter Event at OrphanageWe gave God the glory as we celebrated the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. In order to let the orphans know about the death of Christ for all the sinners of the world, we celebrated Easter at our hostel. We invited two pastors, Rev. Khen Cung and Rev. Cung Hu Lian, to teach the orphans and bless them. All the orphans gave their full attention to the teaching and sharing. We had a two-hour service, which ended with prayer. The pastors shared and taught about the love of God and salvation in Christ. The pastors also asked the orphans to dedicate their lives to God. All the orphans were very responsive to the Gospel and dedicated their lives to God with tears and with their whole hearts. All of us pastors lay hands on them and blessed them. Woman with heart problem Healed By The orphans' PrayerThere is a woman named Duh Cung Pi who lives in front of our hostel and who suffered from a heart problem for many years. She had gone to big cities like Yangon and Mandalay for medication, but she was not cured. This woman had it in her mind that she would give a chicken to the orphans and she would be healed. She bought a very big chicken from the farm and donated it to our orphans. All our orphans prayed for her, and incredibly she recovered! Beforehand, she couldn't bear the noise of the generator and couldn't sleep. But after the orphans prayed for her, she is eating well and sleeping well, and even the noise of the generator doesn't bother her anymore. We praise the Lord for anointing the little orphans for His Kingdom. Hair Cut and LiceThe orphans used to get their hair cut once a month. Because summer has come, and the weather is very hot, my wife Mrs. Rev. Thang searches for lice in the orphans' hair. They used to apply good oil on their heads, but that didn't work to keep away the lice. Every day we let them wash their heads, but it didn't work to remove the lice. Finally Mrs. Rev. Thang had to shave the children's heads, and only then did all the lice disappear. We taught the orphans how to keep their heads and hair clean. Now they are healthier and stronger, and they sleep well and eat well. sunflower oil donated
He said, "I will bring some dried beans for the orphans." We are so honored for his love and generosity. We bless him and pray for him. Orphans Enjoy WatermelonOne day, I was invited to officiate a wedding in Tayakone village, which is 25 KM away from our hometown. There, a pastor's wife Mrs. Nu Buan gave me a very big watermelon for our orphans. She said, "I want the orphans to taste this sweet watermelon which we grow on our farm". After I got home, all the orphans welcomed me back. I told them how God cares for them and provides many good things and sweet fruit like the big watermelon. I asked them, "Will you pray for the pastor's wife and her family and their ministries?" They were so excited they prayed immediately and blessed the generous giver. Then I cut the watermelon into many pieces and handed them to the children. They all enjoyed eating a sweet watermelon. Thanks to Our Regular Private donorsWe are thankful for our two regular private donors. Both of them are from Myanmar and emigrated as refugees. They are Mr. Simeon Hmun Cung from Midland, Texas, USA and Mrs. Adar from Melbourne, Australia. Mr. Simeon donates to us from his tithe. He said, "I have $200 per month to give as a tithe, but I give half to my church in Midland, Chin Baptist Church, and half to the orphans." We appreciate his love for the orphans and his faith in God. Mr. Simeon is working in an oil company. We pray for his promotion. One more donor is Mrs. Adar from Melbourne, Australia. She sends us the equivalent of $75 per month. She said that her husband got a promotion in his job after they started helping the orphans. And she asked the orphans to prayer for her and her husband as they are planning to purchase a new home. She and her husband work in agriculture. Prayer Request from Adonai Orphans
Update written by Rev, Thang, edited by Carolyn D.
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